Ukraine Recovery Conference – On 11-12 June 2024 – Berlin, Germany

Reforms for All – All for Reforms

URC 2024

Це буде п’ята конференція після таких міжнародних форумів у Лондоні (2017), Копенгагені (2018), Торонто (2019) та Вільнюсі (2021).


Викорінюємо корупцію: верховенство права та боротьба з корупцією
Посилюємо громади: децентралізація
Єднаємо території та людей: реформи задля реінтеграції

Цифрова трансформація

The URC2024 took place under the motto "United in defence. United in recovery. Stronger together." It is a continuation of the annual series of high-level political events dedicated to the swift recovery and long-term reconstruction of Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. Governments, international organisations, financial institutions, businesses, regions, municipalities and civil society came together –united by a shared commitment to strengthen the resilience of Ukraine for as long as needed. With over 3.400 participants representing the various stakeholder groups, they demonstrated our strong engagement for Ukraine’s future at the URC2024. It was the first Ukraine Recovery Conference hosted in an EU member state and came at a critical time for Ukraine. The conference reflected the Lugano principles, including a “whole of society” approach to recovery through the meaningful participation of a broad range of stakeholders. Upholding the spirit of the Ukraine Reform Conferences that took place up until2022, the URC2024 did also showcase Ukrainian reform progress in the context of its economic resilience and the EU accession process.

Important cross-cutting issues such as macro-economic stability, resilience and security, infrastructure, housing, energy, climate protection, the green recovery, healthcare, education, environment and gender were integrated into the above mentioned dimensions. Moreover, there was an intergovernmental element and a Recovery Forum as an integral part of the URC2024.

Co-Chairs’ Statement
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URC 2024 Goal

The key goal of the URC2024 was to mobilize continued international support for recovery, reconstruction, reform, and modernization of Ukraine. This includes providing emergency assistance for immediate needs, implementing rapid recovery projects and creating attractive conditions for businesses to unlock the private sector investments in Ukraine, and civil society to actively engage in the reconstruction process. For a summary of the results of the URC 2024 see the Chair’s Summary here. For recordings of the discussions held please visit the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Economy

The URC2024 did focus on the following four thematic dimensions:

  • Business Dimension – Mobilising the Private Sector for Reconstruction and Economic Growth
  • Human Dimension – Social Recovery and Human Capital for the Future of Ukraine
  • Local and Regional Dimension – Recovery of Municipalities and Regions
  • EU Dimension – EU Accession and Related Reforms
Business Dimension – Mobilising the Private Sector for Reconstruction and Economic Growth
Human Dimension – Social Recovery and Human Capital for the Future of Ukraine
Local and Regional Dimension – Recovery of Municipalities and Regions
EU Dimension – EU Accession and Related Reforms

The Recovery Forum formed an integral part of the URC 2024. It provided an interactive, on-site platform for Ukrainian, German and international stakeholders to engage in dialogue, 'matchmaking', and collaboration. The Recovery Forum united different actors through their commitment to the recovery, reconstruction, and modernization of Ukraine. With its versatile elements and formats, the Recovery Forum provided a valuable addition to the panels of the four dimensions.

Recovery Forum

Success stories

The best time to INVEST in Ukraine is RIGHT NOW

Why the war is not an embargo to investment

Rebuilt in a year - kindergarten "Ruta" in Irpin

Kindergarten "Ruta" opened in Irpin, Kyiv region, thanks to the Government of Lithuania

The bulk carrier SKY GATE will deliver 25,000 tons of wheat to Nigeria via the Ukrainian Corridor

This is the first vessel in 2024 with humanitarian wheat chartered by the UN World Food Programme under the #GrainFromUkraine programme

TOLOCAR restores windows of old Cinema in Chernihiv

On July 28, 2023, TOLOCAR operators and members of the Eco Misto initiative installed temporary polyethylene packages in a cinema in Chernihiv, where windows were blown out by an explosive wave

Clear Water during the war - SME support for Ukrainian companies

The aim is to enable them to contribute to the sustainable reconstruction of the country through innovation and exports

Veteran receives prosthesis at the UNBROKEN Prosthetic and Orthotic Centre in Lviv

The UNBROKEN Prosthetic and Orthotic Centre has one of the largest prosthesis workshops in the country, in addition to numerous therapy options for patients

NGO "Power of the Future" helps IDPs integrate into their new community

Since 2018, GIZ's Civil Peace Service has been promoting the development of legal awareness in order to create a society in which coexistence in diversity is possible

Reconstruction of school in Kukhari, Kyiv region, with U-LEAD's support

In recognition of the huge challenges in the education sector of municipalities during the war, the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instrument (FPI) has provided U-LEAD with Europe with additional resources – over 5 million EUR – to reconstruct 12 schools in Kyiv, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions

Truly scrumptious: How IOM supports relocated business

”Success is dedicating your whole life to one thing and doing it with love,” says Olena, a master confectioner from Mykolaiv who has passed her talents down to the next generation

Eco-friendly business brings light to Ukrainians

”We are shaping the future," says Dmytro, co-owner of an eco-friendly business forced to relocate from Sumy, Northern Ukraine

Cultivating hope: IOM supports small agribusinesses

Hospital Partnerships in Ukraine

Hospital partnerships support cooperation between Ukrainian and German healthcare facilities

Reconstructing Ukraine’s social infrastructure

Even amidst war, Ukraine continues to implement crucial infrastructure initiatives in the field of education

«Made in Ukraine»: Dnipro

«Made in Ukraine»: Chernivtsi

Recovery projects: Housing for IDPs in Poltava Oblast

The village of Nekhvoroscha, Poltava Oblast, is actively implementing development projects using DREAM

Frequently Asked Question

General Information & Participation

1. When and where will the conference take place?
Germany will co-host the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) with Ukraine in Berlin on 11 and 12 June, 2024. The conference will bring together high-level representatives from governments, international organisations, business, and civil society.

2. Who exactly is hosting the conference?
Germany and Ukraine are co-hosting the conference. Within the Federal Government, the responsibility for the organisation and implementation of the conference lies with the Federal Foreign Office (FFO) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

3. What are the aims and principles of the conference?
The aim of the conference is to strengthen international support for recovery, reconstruction, reform, and modernisation of Ukraine. The URC2024 will reflect the Lugano Principles and a 'whole-of-society' approach to recovery. To this end, a broad range of actors, including business, municipalities and civil society, will be involved in the conference. In the spirit of the continuation of the Ukraine Reform Conferences that took place until 2022, the URC2024 will also present the progress of Ukraine's reforms in the context of the EU accession process.

4. What are the contents of the conference?
In terms of content, the conference focuses on the following four thematic dimensions:
1. Business Dimension - Mobilising the Private Sector for Reconstruction and Economic Growth
2. Human Dimension - Social Recovery and Human Capital for the Future of Ukraine
3. Local and Regional Dimension - Recovery of Municipalities and Regions
4. EU Dimension - EU Accession and Related Reforms

In addition, there will be a Recovery Forum as a platform for dialogue.

5. Who will be invited to the conference?
International, Ukrainian, and German representatives of governments, the private sector, municipalities and regions, and civil society are invited. This is to ensure a meaningful participation of a broad range of stakeholders

6. Can I register to attend the conference?
Participation in the conference is by invitation only. However, large parts of the conference can be followed on a live stream via the conference homepage.

7. Who decides on invitations?
The German government is coordinating closely with the Ukrainian government in this regard. Selection criteria include thematic relevance and expertise of the participants as well as geographical and sectoral balance.

8. Will there be more events as part of URC2024 and where can I find information about them?
Several official URC pre-events are planned as part of a “Road to URC 2024”. They will be announced on the conference homepage.

9. Who can attend the Recovery Forum?
The Recovery Forum is only open to accredited URC participants. We ask you for your understanding.

Venue details, logistics and accessibility

1. At which venue will the conference take place?
The conference takes place in Berlin. The details of the venue will be communicated to all participants ahead of the conference.

2. How do I get to the venue?
The venue is located in Berlin and is easily accessible.

3. What languages will be spoken at the conference?
The conference languages are Ukrainian and English.

4. Will there be simultaneous interpretation?
Simultaneous interpretation from/to English and Ukrainian will be provided for all official meetings.

5. Can participants bring interpreters if they do not speak English or Ukrainian?
Bringing their own interpreters is only possible for whispered interpreting. It is not possible to use conference technology for simultaneous interpretation. In addition, interpreters brought along must be included in the total number of participants allocated to each delegation. It is not possible to expand the format in this context.

6. Will there be a livestream?
Yes, various livestreams will be available on the conference homepage

Programme and format of the conference

1. Is there a public conference program?
The programme of the conference available here.

2. Are the panels/sessions accessible to everyone?
Most of the sessions are open to all invitees. Further details will be announced as soon as the conference programme is finalised.

3. What is the Recovery Forum?
The Recovery Forum will provide an interactive, on-site platform for Ukrainian, German and international stakeholders to engage in dialogue, matchmaking and collaboration on the recovery, reconstruction, reform, and modernization of Ukraine. It will be located within the conference venue and includes a business fair which will enable local government representatives, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as major and international companies to interact, learn from each other, build new partnerships and seize business opportunities.

4. How can I register a booth for the Recovery Forum?
Exhibition by means of a booth at the Recovery Forum is by invitation only.

5. How can I network with other participants?
The conference will be accompanied by a URC app. It offers participants the opportunity to contact other conference participants and access all relevant information about the URC2024. Registered participants of the URC2024 will receive an invitation to the URC app ahead of the conference.

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More about past conferences

URC 2017 - 2023

URC 2023
Ukraine Recovery Conference, London, June 2023
More information
URC 2022
Ukraine Recovery Conference, Lugano, July 2022
More information
URC 2021
Ukraine Reform Conference, Vilnius, July 2021
More information
URC 2019
Ukraine Reform Conference, Toronto, July 2019
More information
URC 2018
Ukraine Reform Conference, Copenhagen, June 2018
More information
URC 2017
Ukraine Reform Conference, London, July 2017
More information
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