Conference materials
Lugano Declaration
The Lugano Declaration is the final outcome document of the URC2022. The Declaration was presented at the closing plenary of the conference in Lugano by Swiss President Ignazio Cassis and is endorsed by the participating States. The Declaration includes the seven “Lugano Principles”, which are the guiding principles for the recovery process in Ukraine.

URC2022 Policy Briefs
In the following you find background information about recovery priorities and needs in the fields of economy, society, infrastructure and environment. The strategic briefings have been compiled by the Center of Economic Recovery (CER) in collaboration and consultation with expert working groups in Ukraine.
Ukraine Reform Tracker by Economist Impact
With the aim of stimulating and supporting discussion at the 2022 Ukraine Recovery Conference, Economist Impact presents the Ukraine Reform Tracker. The Tracker analyses the state of reforms in Ukraine across four key areas: economic reforms, environmental and energy reforms, social reforms and governance reforms (mirroring the key themes of the conference). The Tracker includes a policy brief for each reform area, with an assessment of: 1) reform progress since 2014; 2) the resilience of reforms in 2022; and 3) the outlook for reform, with a focus on the role that reforms will play in facilitating Ukraine's recovery. These policy briefs are accompanied by an interactive data story that visualises the key trends in Ukraine's reform progress since 2014.
Presentation of discussion panels